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The handicraft class room provides different leather material packages and provides video teaching for those who do not have time to attend class. Welcome to inquire and order!

Starting from leather selection, we will take you step by step into the world of handmade leather. We will teach you how to create your own unique leather goods from the basics to the advanced ones! Our store also provides customization of various leather products

Leather material bag tutorial

Thank you for purchasing the material package. First you need to watch these basic threading/sewing/shrinking videos, and then watch the video course of the material package you purchased.

Needle threading method

suture method

Needle narrowing method

Trimming and polishing methods

Gluing method

A:Cambridge pouchMaterial packageTutorial


B:Panda pouchMaterial packageTutorial


c:heart keychainMaterial packageTutorial

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-07 at 3.35.16 PM

E: Genuine leather walletMaterial packageTutorial

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-21 at 9.51.49 PM

D: Lamb pendantMaterial packageTutorial

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-17 at 6.57.56 PM.

E: Tutorial on making wave card drawings

F: How to make Mount Fuji card holder

F: Short silver package material package

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